Anna helps clients who are being audited or were reassessed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) resolve their disputes with the tax authorities. Anna represents her clients at the CRA level, at the Tax Court of Canada, and at the Federal Court.
In addition to her tax litigation work, Anna advises her clients on a wide variety of Canadian income tax, HST, and international tax issues. She helps business owners organize their affairs in the most tax-efficient manner.
Most of Anna's clients are small and medium-sized businesses, as well as individuals and estates. Anna's specific expertise is in income tax and HST issues related to real estate and construction industry.
Anna graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto in 2007 and was called to the Ontario bar in 2008. She completed Parts I-III of the CICA In-Depth Tax Course. Prior to founding Advotax Law, Anna practiced tax law at one of the largest Bay Street firms.
Anna is the founder of Canadian Tax Nerds, an informal discussion and study group of over 1,800 Canadian tax professionals. She is also a panelist at weekly sessions of the Canadian Tax Club.
Anna is active in the Greater Toronto Area's Russian-speaking legal community.
Anna provides legal services in English and in Russian.
Publications and Speaking Engagements
In addition to her work in private practice, Anna regularly presents and writes articles for a number of legal and tax publications by LexisNexis, Federated Press, Ontario Bar Association, and Canadian Tax Foundation.
Her publications and speaking engagements include:
June 17, 2021
Interviewed by David Israelson
for Financial Post/Canadian Family Offices
April 28, 2021
Panelist for Federal Budget 2021 -
What You Need To Know
Ontario Bar Association
April 8, 2021
Guest Blogger
for the Financial Independence Hub
April 7, 2021
Presenter for the Canadian Virtual CPA PD
Day Conference
January 28, 2021
for Global Lawyer of Canada's
September 30, 2020
Ontario Bar Association
May 21, 2020
Interviewed by Joseph Devaney
of Video Tax News
May 8, 2020
Interviewed by Chris Fox
of CP24 Breaking News
April 8, 2020
They should open it up': Why some small businesses have been shut out of COVID-19 emergency loan program
Interviewed by James Dunne
of CBC News
October 2, 2018
Corporate Tax Basics - What Every Business
Lawyer needs to know in 2018
Peel Law Associatio
June 6, 2016
Tax Vocabulary
Presented as part of Canadian Bar
Association's Skilled Lawyer Series
April 29, 2021
Ontario Bar Association
February 2, 2021
Featured by www.TaxTips.ca
January 7, 2021
Interviewed by Amanda Doucette
for The Tax Chick Podcast
May 30, 2020
Interviewed by Rachel Gold
of the Ontario Bar Association
April 10, 2020
support measures
Interviewed by Peter Shurman
of 680 News Toronto
February 2018
Published and presented as part of Covering the Tax Bases: Critical Developments in Tax Law, Ontario Bar Association
Stock Options and Foreign “Treasury Stock:” Is There an “Agreement to Sell or Issue” Shares, (2011) vol. XXIII, no. 1
Taxation of Executive Compen-sation
and Retirement 1431-34